What are the most popular holiday desinations for millionaires?

If you have money to burn, then your choice in almost anything expands at an exponential rate.  Your choice in cars, homes, clothes, and food are almost limitless, making your everyday living as comfortable as it is exciting.  But the real boon with having huge funds behind you is when it comes to picking somewhere to take a break, of which you have the capability to take many.  Money opens up almost the whole world to you.  But just where do the world rich decide to go when it comes to kicking back?


Where do the millionaires go on holiday? 

While certain parts of the Caribbean – notably Richard Branson’s Necker Island – get a lot of press attention, but attention isn’t always a good thing, and those looking for real peace a quiet tend to head for other areas. If you are rich and the Caribbean is your destination of choice, you could head for the Sandy Lane estate where its exclusive  but can be yours for as little as £500 per night. 

Regularly mentioned on the Millionaires Holiday Club website, Sandy Lane is surprising obtainable, but still a pretty private resort. 

Fancy something that’s beach but a bit less glitzy and fashionable for the monied set?  Well how about Darios Cove in Crete, home to an exclusive collection of cliffside apartments, each with an infinity pool and a fantastic view.  If you want to travel further still, there’s the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui on the Gulf of Siam on Thailand, which is fast becoming a millionaires playground.

Not everyone fancies the Caribbean and laying on beaches for their holidays, and with a glut of money, you can pretty much do whatever you like.  Millionaire city breaks include Venice and the Cipriani hotel on Giudecca or the Hotel Bauer, just off St Mark’s Square which offer opulent living in this vibrant city.  If you love hustle and bustle of a fast moving city, many millionaires head to the Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong.

There are an increasing number of destinations for the well-heeled traveller to consider and many are opting for exclusive train journeys to exotic parts of the world.  Travelling in luxury has always been a preserve of the rich – the term ‘posh’ derives from the phrase Port Out, starboard Home, referring to the choice of cabin positions on a ship destined to India (and back), ensuring that the savvy traveller got the most sunshine through their porthole on both journeys. 

The rich love to travel, and there are now many well-designed rail journeys that cater for those with enough money.  Take, for instance, the Andean Explorer, which slowly chuffs its way through Peru, from Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire, across the mountainous Andean plains to the white city of Arequipa.  Maybe you prefer Japan and a trip on the Shiki Shima route berthed in a two story individual apartment on wheels, stopping at many of the most wonderful sights in the Japanese territories.

Being rich doesn’t just mean lounging on a perfect, white-sand beach, though if that is your desire, there are an increasing number of places to be able to do that in style.  Increasingly, rich travellers are looking to get a little culture with their comfort, and there are plenty of trips geared to giving them both.

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