What are the best beard styles in 2020?

Spring is undeniably on the way, though its still possible to get some snow, so you might be needing wanting you beard to still keep you warm.  Or, it may be time to give it a trim and get it in shape for the coming year.

The question is: What are the best styles in 2020, and how easy are they to maintain?


Full beard. More sculpted than Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, the full beard has a timeless appeal that can look great on any man, provided you keep it in good order. A full beard can be a couple of inches longer than your chin or way down to your chest – it doesn’t really matter, but it is key to keep it neat, regardless of length.  The other key aspect to a full beard is to link it to the right kind of haircut, and typically, full beards go well with youthful cuts that prevent your beard unduly aging you. The short hair, no-beard look is a strong one.


Viking beard.  If you actually fancy something a little less pampered, but want the length, then the Viking beard is probably for you.  This fuzzy alternative to the full beard is intended to impart a certain individuality on the wearer, and kinda says “I am completely confident with myself, and don’t need to follow conventions”. Of course, the Viking is a convention in itself, but it does allow you to stand out.  Once again, the Viking is best matched with a tidy, shorter haircut. Definitely one for the extrovert in you. You will need to work hard to keep this beard in-check.


Short and Neat.  Timeless and business-like, the short and neat beard is sufficiently subtle to allow a range of hair lengths and still looks good.  It is a style that you can also get away with over a range of ages and job roles.  You can consider almost any hair length to accompany this style, as well as slicked-back hair and even manbuns.  If you are likely to enjoy a range of hairstyles and lengths, then the short and neat will continue to dominate through this year and beyond. When properly designed and trimmed, these beards can look really sharp. Beware of the scratching effect though. It’s definitely worth looking at ways to keep your beard soft not scratchy.


Beards with well-defined Moustaches. One of the up and coming looks involves beards of varying length but put together with a well-defined moustache.  This is an especially powerful as it creates a subtle structure that makes a person look at and examine what’s going on with your facial hair. Well-styled moustaches further defined using a suitable styling product with a range of hairstyles makes for a striking image that you can make your own. If you want memorable, this is it.


Patchy Beards.  It is that good old ‘is it the start of a beard or has he just not shaved’ look and looks casual or somewhat teenaged, but it will also work with a huge range of hair styles. The trick to carrying off the look is to go for a very short beard with a bit of patchiness for a smart style or grow it out to a regular short length for a more stylish and rugged look.

Have we missed any styles? Are there any that you think are going to come back into fashion this year? Perhaps the Goatie? The chin-strap? The side-burn and moustache?


Men’s styles are now so diverse that you can almost get away with any combination of hair and beard, but the styles outlined above are definitely on trend as we head towards the spring and summer of 2020.  Of course, it goes without saying that in order to get the best style, you need to keep your facial hair in the best condition, by using the right products.

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